











What Is the Paris Agreement Definition

The Paris Agreement: A Comprehensive Definition

The Paris Agreement, also known as the Paris Climate Accord, is a global treaty that was adopted by 196 countries in 2015. Its main objective is to limit the increase in global temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, with an aim to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5°C.

The Paris Agreement is considered one of the most significant and ambitious international agreements to combat climate change. The agreement sets forth a framework for countries to develop and implement their own climate plans, known as nationally determined contributions (NDCs).

The treaty is built on the principle of shared responsibility, meaning that all countries must contribute to combatting climate change based on their respective capabilities and development levels. Developed countries are expected to provide financial and technological support to developing countries to help them transition to sustainable and low-carbon economies.

The Paris Agreement is also designed to ensure transparency and accountability in the reporting and implementation of NDCs. This is achieved through a system of regular reporting and review, as well as the establishment of a global stocktake every five years to assess collective progress towards meeting the temperature goals.

One of the critical aspects of the Paris Agreement is its recognition of the need to support and promote sustainable development. The treaty acknowledges the importance of addressing poverty eradication and the need to create sustainable livelihoods while combatting climate change.

The Paris Agreement has been ratified by all 196 signatories, with the exception of the United States, which withdrew from the treaty in 2020. However, the Biden administration has indicated that the US will rejoin the agreement.

In conclusion, the Paris Agreement is a historic global treaty that aims to combat climate change and limit global temperature increase to well below 2°C. The agreement recognizes the need for shared responsibility, transparency, and accountability in the implementation of climate plans. It also promotes sustainable development and acknowledges the need to address poverty eradication.