











Subject-Verb Agreement Class 8

20 Questions about verb agreement for Class 8 Choose the appropriate verb form that corresponds to the subject: (c) If a sentence begins with “there”, the verb corresponds to the actual subject that comes after the verb. This is John. There are fifty students in my class. Example: Strategies used by the teacher to encourage classroom participation include using small groups and clarifying expectations. Insert is` or are` in the following sentences: 1. There ……. two boys standing there. 2. There …….. many students at school. 3. Today there is ……..

many boys are absent from the class. 4. If you need money, there is …….. some in my coat pocket. 5. There …….. sixteen players selected for a tour of Australia. 6.

There …….. a good balance of emotions and intelligence in him. 7. There ….. nothing to be so happy. 8. …….. is there anyone? 9. There ……..

no light here. 10. There is ……. complete darkness inside. Answers: 1. are 2. are 3. are 4. is 5. are 6. is 7.

is 8. is 9. Tags: Subject-verb agreement ExercisesCond subject-verb agreement Worksheet Here are 15 best subject-verb chord examples Examples for class 8, hope will help you understand the concept behind the subject-verb agreement. Some nouns, which are plural in form but singular in meaning, assume a singular verb. Example: 3. Neither he nor they are able to do it. (When we associate two singular subjects with neither,” we use a verb that corresponds to the latter subject in number and person.) Mom, can I run to the park? I jumped over the puddle. You swam fast in the race. What do capitalized words have in common? These are verbs! A verb is an important part of language that is often used to describe or indicate an action. Sentences are not complete without a verb. Examples include jogging, stopping, listening, calling, exploring, and believing.

When singular subjects have “everyone” or “everyone” in front of them, the verb is usually singular. Example: 9. The movie, including all previews, (takes, takes) about two hours to watch. 20. The Committee (debate, debate) these issues with care. It should be noted that the item is only used once if both names refer to the same person. If reference were made to different people, the article would be used before each noun and the verb would be plural. For example, 22. The Prime Minister, with his wife, (welcomes, greets) warmly the press. Example: The committee agrees on the quality of the letter.

. b) A singular subject is sometimes confused with the plural, e.B. when it begins with (one or the other, neither, etc.). Remember that these should be considered singular. Each of you is wrong. None of them work here. One of the teachers teaches English. CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Agreement of Verb and Subject is part of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English. Here we have given CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Agreement of the verb and subject. Paste is` or are` in spaces. 1. There..

no restaurants in this village. 2. There…… one person in the cabin. 3. There ….. nothing to fear. 4. There ….. Little hope that he will accept the proposal.

5. There…. a cow standing in the shade. 6. There ….. several temples in this city. 7. There …. many beautiful paintings. 8.

There ….. some sweets in this box. 9. There…. a storm. 10. There is …. a lot of noise.

Choose the correct form of the verb that corresponds to the subject. 1. The new aircraft ….. like clappers. 2. The river ……. nice in summer. 3. Mangoes ……. fresh. 4.

One of my friends…….. in the same school as me. 5. The owners of this factory …….. very rich and …….. in large houses. 6. Some women ……….. Travel by car as is…….. she is sick.

7. Boys …….. every day at school. 8. It ……….. to see photos. 9. I …….. as he has it.

10. You …….. what….. I. Example: Each of the participants was ready to be registered. Example: No one was available to meet me at my favorite times. Example: Interviews are a way to collect data and allow researchers to gain a thorough understanding of participants. 5. George and Tamara (no, no) want to see this movie. (ii) I ________ Susie Monday (a) see (b) I see (c) Either could be used here If two or more singular subjects are connected by “and”, the plural verb is used….