











Statement of Problems in Research Examples

Meaning: Young people who abuse drugs face many risks, including life-threatening conditions and mental health issues. Substance abuse can impair the brain`s ability to function in the short term and prevent proper growth and development in the long term. Data shows that teens who use hard drugs are more likely to be disillusioned. Addressing this problem will provide the affected parties with much-needed information to help them curb drug abuse. A problem doesn`t have to be long and long: one page is more than enough for a good problem. Practical research is directly relevant to a specific problem that affects an organization, institution, social group or society at large. To clearly explain why your research problem is important, you may ask yourself: A good description of the problem summarizes the main objective of your study in simple, clear and direct terms. Other telltale signs of a well-written research statement of the problem are: The description of the problem also has other purposes. One is to identify and explain the problem in a concise but detailed way to give the reader a complete overview of what is going on. This includes identifying who is affected by the problem, its impact, where the problem occurs, why and when it needs to be resolved. Another purpose of the problem is to clarify what the expected results are. Determining what the desired situation would look like helps to get an overall idea of the project.

The proposed solution and the scope and objectives of the solution are specified in this statement. The best way to identify a research problem is to read existing studies to discover knowledge gaps. You can also discover research problems by observing your environment and identifying contradictions between perspectives. When employees demonstrate their initiative and problem-solving skills, they demonstrate their ability to cope with complex or unforeseen circumstances in the workplace. Companies rely on individuals and teams that can effectively assess problems and propose viable solutions. The purpose of this article is to provide guidance on how to use your problem-solving skills to create a problem description. In this article, we have included a step-by-step guide as well as a complete example for reference. This article is an edited version of the article Is it a description of the problem or a statement of the problem? published on the website of Mukmik consultants. This article has been edited and republished with the permission of the author.

One of the reasons for conducting research is to expand existing knowledge. Therefore, when you perform searches, you must. A good problem statement sets the tone for the rest of your thesis, so you want to do it right. That said, here are a few things to keep in mind when creating a problem for your research paper. The problem is different depending on whether you are dealing with a real practical problem or a theoretical scientific problem. But all problems follow a similar process. Writing a good problem serves both the researcher and the readers. For the researcher, the problem helps him visualize the scope of your project and describe it accordingly.

You can also set specific goals for your studies. Keep in mind that the problem description does not attempt to define the solution and does not describe the methods to obtain the solution. The problem statement is a statement that starts the process by detecting the problem. Since a problem is at the heart of your research, it makes sense to know how to write an effective one. How do you do it? First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of a good problem, as well as its elements and structure. Your search problem is the reason for your systematic investigation. This is the gap that you have identified and that you plan to fill based on the results of your study. You can also consider this as the main research question. Now that you`ve learned the basics, hone your skills and write an ideal explanation of the problem with this advanced course from our expert Prof.

Henry Bwisa. 2. Nyaga C.N. (2009). Non-financial constraints hinder the growth of SMEs in Kenya: the case of plastics manufacturers in the Nairobi District Industrial Zone. (Master`s thesis, University of Nairobi). If you need funding for your research, a problem can help potential financiers understand why investing in your project is the right decision. It gives them an overview of the existing problem, your solution, and the impact of your solution on the field of study.

The goal is the overall goal of your research. It is usually written in the infinitive: goals and objectives should lead directly to your research questions. Background: According to the Drug Abuse Statistics Organization, 50% of teens have abused a drug at least once. Teens in the District of Columbia were 11.94 percent more likely to use drugs in the past month than the average American teenager. Existing data show that this is an important problem, but does not address the causes of the increase in drug abuse among adolescents in the state. Therefore, more research is needed to find out why adolescents in Colombia abuse drugs and offer solutions to this threat. This proposed research aims to explore options for a new cash outflow system that would focus on consistency. To this end, the researcher conducts a comprehensive stakeholder analysis and uses it to suggest appropriate policy interventions. The problem should also be about the relevance of the research: why is it important that the problem be solved? The ultimate goal of a problem statement is to transform a generalized problem (something that bothers you; a perceived impairment) into a targeted and well-defined problem; a problem that can be solved through targeted research and careful decision-making.

In its most basic form, a problem description consists of three (3) elements: The problem description should describe the solutions you propose to the problem. At this point, you won`t focus on finding a one-size-fits-all solution, but you should have a good grasp of the causes of the problem and be willing to suggest practical approaches to understanding and solving the problem. State your goals by coming up with well-thought-out plans to combat the problem. Objectives: This research aims to identify the causes of drug abuse among adolescents and to find concrete solutions to address it. After you identify a search problem for your project, the next step is to write a description of the problem. An effective problem is concise and concrete. It should: Once you claim that the problem is costing the company money, you need to be prepared to back up your claims with evidence. If you neglect this step, you may not be taken seriously. Do some research, cite your sources, and have the data ready to be presented. The objective of this research is to investigate effective engagement strategies to increase voter turnout in Region X. It will identify the most important factors for non-voting through surveys and interviews, and conduct experiments to measure the effectiveness of different strategies.

When it comes to theoretical research, think about the scientific, social, geographical and/or historical context: for practical research, focus on the concrete details of the situation: if your study fills this gap, it also leaves room for future investigations. The implication is that your problem shouldn`t be too broad; instead, it should tackle a specific problem and contribute to the knowledge pool for further research. The problem description provides instructions for navigating the project as soon as it begins. It is continuously referenced throughout the duration of the project to help the team stay focused and on track. Shortly before the end of the project, this statement is referenced again to verify that the solution has been implemented as stated and that it actually solves the original problem. This can help ensure that appropriate measures are taken to prevent the same problem from happening again in the future. Objectives: The goal of this research is to explore proactive engagement plans to increase voter turnout in the Southwest Florida region. It will distinguish the biggest determinants of not voting through polls, interviews and social experiences in order to observe the impact of each of these strategies on voter turnout. A safe private space for researchers from all over the world to be themselves, learn from each other, motivate each other and have fun! Background: Florida Voter`s Association polls suggest that voter turnout is lowest among people aged 18 to 25 and low-income households (less than $30,000 per year for a two-person household).
