











Pronoun Agreement Exercises

Several is always in the plural, so we can use the general plural pronoun. Everyone is always singular and therefore has a singular pronoun. It is not him or her, as these are used as an object. So, it has to be him or her. In this quiz on the antecedent agreement of the pronoun, you will be tested on certain types of words that English learners find very difficult and with which they often make mistakes. Here are some of the words: None can be singular or plural, depending on the noun in the prepositional sentence (the driver). Since it is plural (conductor), the pronoun is the plural (possessive). “She” is correct because it is a singular feminine pronoun that takes the place of the singular and feminine noun “Jane Roberts”. Note that you must also change “Response” to “Response” so that the verb matches the singular.

The precursor is neither (not young), and none is always singular, so it has a singular pronoun. It is to be (not his own) because it refers only to men. Everyone is the precursor and it`s always singular, so you need a singular pronoun. We use it because the man or woman is not specified. Some (like all, most, many and none) may be singular or plural, depending on the noun in the prepositional sentence (of the children). In this case, the children are in the plural, so the pronoun is in the plural. It is also the possessive pronoun, that is, the mothers of the children. “Yours” is correct.

The noun is plural (two people – Mr. Banks and Mrs. Cutler), so it requires the plural pronoun “you”. In this case, the noun is singular (roof), so the pronoun is singular. Someone is the precursor and is always treated as a singular, so he adopts the singular pronoun. As no sex is known, we use it. . Jane Roberts is my friend and mentor; (she) answers all my questions. “Myself” is correct, because the subject is the first person and the singular. One is the subject and is singular. And it`s in terms of a man (uncle), so it`s his.

. Lord. Banks and Mrs. Cutler sell (their) shares in the construction company. . “She” is correct; “neither nor” is a “singular thing”. Although there are two people here, the name works because of the singular word “ni ni”? Neither my mother nor yours would give us (her) permission to ride a motorcycle cross country. When I entered the apartment, Sal sang, “I`m about to sit down and write (myself) a letter.”