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When starting a business partnership, it`s essential to have a comprehensive partnership agreement in place. This agreement outlines the rights and responsibilities of each partner and defines the terms of the partnership. As a professional, I`ve put together a list of items that should be included in your partnership agreement to ensure the success of your business.

1. Ownership and Management: The first item that should be addressed in the partnership agreement is the ownership and management of the business. This section should outline the percentage of ownership and how decisions will be made. For example, will decisions be made jointly, or will there be a managing partner?

2. Contributions: This section outlines the contributions that each partner will make to the business. Contributions can include financial investments, intellectual property, equipment, or time and effort. This section should also specify what happens in the event that a partner does not fulfill their contribution obligation.

3. Profit and Loss Distribution: The partnership agreement should also include details on how profits and losses will be distributed among the partners. This section should outline the percentage of profits and losses that each partner is entitled to and how they will be distributed.

4. Roles and Responsibilities: Another important item found in the partnership agreement is the roles and responsibilities of each partner. This section should outline the specific duties of each partner, including management responsibilities, financial oversight, and decision-making authority.

5. Dispute Resolution: The partnership agreement should also contain a dispute resolution process. This section should outline the steps partners will take to resolve conflicts and avoid legal action.

6. Termination: The partnership agreement should outline the conditions under which the partnership will be terminated, such as the bankruptcy of one partner or the mutual agreement of all partners. This section should also detail how assets will be divided in the event of termination.

7. Confidentiality and Non-Competition: Finally, the partnership agreement should include a confidentiality and non-competition clause. This section should outline what information is considered confidential, and how it will be protected. It should also include a non-competition clause that outlines the terms under which a partner can compete with the partnership after termination.

In conclusion, a partnership agreement is one of the most critical steps to ensure the success of any business venture. By outlining the rights and responsibilities of each partner and defining the terms of the partnership, you can avoid conflicts and protect your business. As a professional, I recommend including all the items mentioned above in your partnership agreement to ensure it is comprehensive and effective.