











Insurance Clause in Subcontractor Agreement

2.4.3. Proposed other subcontractors and subcontractors. For any subcontractor not referred to in section 2.4.1, the contractor must, within fifteen (15) days preceding the selection of such subcontractor, inform the owner in writing of the selection of such subcontractor and generally inform the owner of the portion of the work that such subcontractor performs on the construction site. 8.1.5 Accolade shall indemnify, defend and hold Comcast harmless from and against any and all claims, claims, actions, actions or proceedings against Comcast or any of its affiliates, officers, directors, members, employees, subcontractors and/or agents arising out of any breach of this Section 8.1 by Accolade or its subcontractors. Failure by Accolade or its subcontractors to comply with this Section 8.1 may [***]. In case of [***]. In any case, understand what risk you accept in the language of compensation. As a general rule, the upstream party will impose a indemnification and indemnification clause that will require you to at least compensate them for liabilities in which you are at least partially negligent. This may mean compensation only for your proportionate liability or more for your total negligence. Imagine that your employee removes a safety barrier in a project to get materials on the 3rd floor of a project and does not replace the safety barrier. Later, an employee of another subcontractor who does not know that the barrier has been removed falls to the side of the building.

This injured employee will likely receive workers` compensation and sue the builder or contractor for negligence. If there is a compensation agreement between the owners/contractors and you, you can expect the claim to be offered to you for defense and indemnification. Strikes and pickets by employees of the Contractor or subcontractors in sympathy with other striking or striking unions are not authorized by the Contractor. With respect to subparagraph (d) above, the Contractor may avail itself of the allowance referred to in section 2.1(b) of Annex F. Nothing in this section 3.12.6 deprives the Contractor of its rights with respect to the occurrence of an event described in clause (xi) of the definition of force majeure. The Contractor shall maintain and ensure that a subcontractor of the Contractor maintains a true and accurate record of the services provided in accordance with an order and all related transactions and shall retain all such records for a period of at least two (2) years after the completion of the services provided. The Company may, at its own expense, require the Contractor or any of the Contractor`s subcontractors at any time during this two-year period to provide sufficient evidence, with written assistance, to enable the Company to verify the accuracy and correctness of payments to the Contractor or such subcontractors. Within the period set forth herein, the Company may, upon written notice from the Contractor or such subcontractor, review non-confidential and non-privileged accounts, invoices, notes and other documents relating exclusively to the services provided under this Agreement or under any other order previously executed between the parties to ensure accuracy and compliance with this provision.

To check. The Company`s right to view recordings of the Work does not waive, modify or affect the Company`s payment obligations set forth above. The Company has no right to review the Contractor`s books with respect to (i) the components of the Contractor`s tariffs/prices, (ii) the prices/prices charged to the Contractor`s other Customers, or (iii) the prices/prices invoiced by the Seller to the Entrepreneur, unless the Selling Fees are refundable items under the Order. The contractor may sometimes be asked to postpone the proposed work due to conflicts with craftsmen and/or subcontractors. A change of reservation or a change of schedule due to conflicts with craftsmen and / or subcontractors does not guarantee the contractor a modification order if the contractor does not suffer any downtime. Subcontractor means a person who has a direct contract with the Contractor to perform the Work (including equipment lease and material purchase agreements), as well as the subcontractors` suppliers, dealers, manufacturers, distributors and subcontractors. A reference to subcontractors includes the above parts at each level. The project quality plan specifies a program of quality audits to be carried out. The Owner will be informed of the scope and date of the planned quality audits specified in the Project Quality Plan in order to allow the Owner to participate in non-commercial quality audits as an observer. The quality audit will cover the main activities of the contractor project, including the activities of prime contractors and major subcontractors. If a non-compliance is detected during a quality audit, the contractor will inform the owner of the corrective actions to be taken, report status updates, and provide information on the completion of corrective actions as part of the monthly progress report. If the contractor conducts ad hoc non-commercial internal quality audits without invitation to the owner, all corrective and follow-up actions will be shared with the owner as part of the monthly progress report.

Sudden and deciding limits (GL/umbrella): $20,000,000 per incident $20,000,000 in total (8)Contractors` equipment float. The Contractor shall maintain or self-insure the insurance of the Equipment and ensure that all Subcontractors and Subcontractors receive or insure themselves all construction equipment (whether owned, leased or borrowed) from the Contractor, its subcontractors or Sub-subcontractors.It and ensure that all Subcontractors and Subcontractors and Subcontractors maintain or self-insure the insurance of the Equipment and have it covered all construction equipment (whether owned, leased or borrowed) from the contractor, its subcontractors or Sub-subcontractors.It. .