











Georgetown University F&a Rate Agreement

* If a sponsor has a published IDC course, this rate will be respected. If the sponsor does not have a published rate, the university usually charges 30% for pharmaceutical agreements and 15% for foundation or other corporate agreements, although the university accepts the maximum rate that the sponsor is willing to allow. Please provide documentation about the IDC fare you are using as part of the GU Pass package. The following rates are used for budgeting. Since overhead costs are not based on actual costs, they are calculated at the budgeted rate in accordance with federal regulations. Budgets submitted to federal agencies must reflect the reasonable indirect cost rates set out in the collective question-and-answer agreement negotiated by the university. Applications for non-federal entities must reflect the maximum rate allowed by the non-federal agency. If no rate is specified, the budget should include a rate of 15%. For IDC exceptions and waivers, please see Prices and Figures. Please refer to NICRA (collective agreement negotiated with dhHS) for a full presentation of the terms. Trips are classified as domestic or foreign.

Domestic travel includes only travel within the United States, its possessions and territories, and Canada. However, some organizations, such as the NSF and the NIH, now consider travel to Canada to be foreign. Domestic and international travel must be reported separately. Include transportation costs (fly by bus, Fly America compliant), registration fees, accommodation fees, and other related expenses. The GSA and U.S. Department of State`s domestic and foreign daily rates should be consulted and used as a reference for hotels and meals/utilities. Justifications and identification of travellers are required for each trip. Installation and administration cost rates (with FY21 ancillary service rates) (PDF) Calculate indirect costs by multiplying the total direct cost by the corresponding indirect cost rate. For grants and non-federal contracts, nothing is excluded from the calculation of indirect costs. These rates are at July 2021 level.

Georgetown`s Office of Financial Affairs negotiates the benefits rate annually with the Cost Allocation Division of DHHS. Jesse Szeto, Senior Director, Office of Research ServicesTel: (202)-687-1958E-mail: Cognizant Agency/Contract Administration Office For proposals submitted to the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Arts, and in accordance with the NEH* and National Endowment for the Arts guidelines, respectively. NEA, the interest rate on indirect costs (IDC) used depends on the type of work offered. For most scholarship and scholarship proposals, and if a zero rate is explicitly requested, usually no IDC can be charged. In rare cases, the negotiated rate of “organized research” by the federal government may apply, but in general, it is expected that for typical social sciences and humanities research and science, the term “Other Sponsored Activities” of the CDI will be used. Since Georgetown has negotiated federal rates, a minimus rate is not applicable. The federal government`s ongoing negotiated IDC rates can be found here. * Under the NEH link, go to section 11 Budget Revisions and scroll down to the text by G-spot for an explanation of the allowed IDC rates. Indirect costs, also known as administrative or question-and-answer facilities and rates, are levied on most external research grants. Prices vary depending on the sponsor and other factors described below.

Georgetown University negotiates its benefits rate annually and every three years with the DHHS Cost Allocation Division about its facilities and administration (Q&A) interest rate. The latest Federally Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NISA), dated January 28, 2021, is expected to be included in all federal grant and contract proposals. The current collective agreement contained a slight change from the previous version to replace the wording of “sub-subsidies and subcontracts” with the word “sub-price”. This amendment to the nomenclature was made by the competent authority in order to maintain consistency with the uniform guidelines. The allocation basis set out in Annex III of the Uniform Guidelines is used to include both “subcontracts as subcontracts” and undercut prices, in addition to the definition of subprice in section 200.92 of the Uniform Guidelines. As of January 29, 2021, the National Institutes of Health`s salary cap on grants, collaborative agreements and contracts is $199,300. For more information, see NOT-OD-21-057. This salary limit also applies to scholarships from the Bureau of Health Professions (BHP) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

The amount shown applies to twelve-month employees. The nine-month salary cap for academic appointments is $149,475. A consultant is a natural or legal person who provides expert or professional advice or services on a topic relevant to the sponsored project. List each consultant, specialty or service for the project and their daily, weekly or monthly reimbursement rate, and view the consultant`s projected total cost for the project. Please work with your department administrator and the contract department to enter into an independent contractual agreement (ICA) or contract for the services purchased. Payments to subcontractors are processed through the financial operations of sponsored programs. If the potential faculty, staff, or consultants for your project are not U.S. citizens, contact the Tax Department.

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences encourages all faculty members to write the cost of student support on their scholarships whenever possible. The current rates are as follows: overhead costs are indirect costs, which are a negotiated rate that the university is allowed to charge to cover the cost of things like heating and cooling buildings, maintenance, etc. Calculate indirect costs by multiplying the modified total direct cost by the corresponding indirect cost rate. The modified total direct costs are the total direct costs minus the costs of the following items. Faculties for appointments during the academic year may receive a summer salary for external grants, as outlined in the Dean`s Office Guidelines. Faculty members can earn an additional summer salary at the same base salary up to the monthly full-time rate of 1/9, which is generally not allowed to exceed two-ninths and is absolutely limited to three-ninths. The payment of a third ninth is exceptional and always requires the prior consent of the provost. The faculty cannot receive additional remuneration in the form of summer neutels for work done during the academic year. The university does not have a state-negotiated benefit rate.

The rate of return used to budget faculty and staff is typically 23.75%. This is a university-wide average rate. However, in cases where an employee`s actual ancillary costs are higher than the average rate of 23.75%, it is acceptable to budget for the higher actual rate. This is more likely to happen if the employee has a low salary and chooses a more expensive health plan. All applicants should consult with the Sponsored Programs Office regarding ancillary rates at the beginning of the budget process. For students, the subordinate clause for budgeting is 7.65%. Engage with other organizations that have a scientific or programmatic aspect of the grant or contract originally awarded to Georgetown University. In the main proposal, include the authorized proposal, letter of intent, statement of work and budget of the subcontractor with justification. All partial termination agreements must be negotiated and drafted by the Office of Research Services (ORS). Please refer to Georgetown University`s policy for monitoring sub-recipients. The following benefit rates will be updated in accordance with the Federally Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NISA) of January 28, 2021, and our Federally Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement is negotiated every three years.

The Office of Financial Affairs provides more information on Georgetown`s cost rate agreement. Please note that indirect cost rates are currently 59% for the campus and 26% for the off-campus campus. The use of the off-campus rate must be approved by the Sponsored Programs Office. Note: Benefit rates are negotiated annually with the relevant federal authority and therefore can only change during the next annual negotiations. As a result, current benefit rates will continue to be governed by our current NICRA and will not be affected by a temporary situation such as COVID-19. Facilities and Administration (Q&A) rates (also known as indirect or overhead) rates are designed to support claims for indirect costs from grants and contracts with the federal government. The agreement also includes negotiated ancillary benefit rates to be applied to funded projects. Note that all IDC plans are factored into direct costs. The total cost includes both direct and indirect costs, so the share of the total cost that goes to indirect costs does not correspond to the IDC rate. If the IDC rate is r, the share of indirect funds in the total cost is usually r/(1+r). For example, the current IDC rate of organized research is 56%, so the share of indirect in the total cost is 0.56 / 1.56 = 35.9% when this rate is applied.

Similarly, the current IDC rate for other sponsored activities is 35.5%, so when this rate is applied, the indirect share of total costs is 0.355 / 1.355 = 26.2%. . . . .