











Change of Control Clause Employment Agreement Example

(ii) Acceleration of share allocations. All outstanding and vested options (AAs) for the purchase of common shares of the Company or an affiliate of the Company granted under a share plan of the Company or an affiliate of the Company, (BB) restricted shares, which are then held by the officer, and (CC) other equity and stock equivalents, which are subsequently held by the Officer, will be fully accelerated and, thereafter, all such options, restricted shares and other share allocations will be acquired immediately and may be exercised for the period following termination, as provided for in the specific agreements for each of these commitments. (b) voluntary withdrawal; Termination for cause. If the officer`s employment relationship ends due to the manager`s voluntary resignation (and it is not a voluntary termination for cause) or if the manager is terminated for cause, the manager is not entitled to any severance pay or other benefits under this agreement. “Most organizations realize this could happen to them. For example, Compaq and HP, Exxon-Mobile, AOL-Time Warner. Managers insist on the clauses and companies comply with them. Both sides see the logic,” said J. Larry Tyler, president of Tyler & Company, an Atlanta-based executive search firm. (c) Choice of law. The validity, interpretation, construction, and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California applicable to agreements between California residents entered into and fully performed in the State of California (without reference to choices or conflict of laws rules or principles that would require the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction). In the event of a breach of contract in the parachute contract, a federal law provides additional protection beyond ordinary contract law, as set out in the choice provision of the treaty.

These agreements are generally governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), 29 U.S.C§ 1001 et seq. ERISA treats change of control agreements as employee well-being plans: Regardless of the size of an organization, executives could fall victim to dual responsibility and relocation or degradation during the merger or acquisition of a company – totally unfavorable outcomes. “However, with a change of control provision, the leader might be more accessible to other solutions to the problem than simply driving the company further into the ground,” Tyler suggests. b) The entire Agreement. No agreement, representation or understanding (whether oral or written and express or implied) not expressly set forth in this Agreement has been entered into or entered into by either party with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement and any Information Ownership Agreement constitute the entire understanding of the parties of the subject matter of this Agreement and supersede all prior agreements and understandings with respect to them, including, without limitation, the SPANSION LLC SEPARATION AGREEMENT previously entered into by and between management and the Company. (b) Termination of Employment. Any termination of the Executive`s employment relationship by the Company for cause or by the Manager due to voluntary termination for just cause shall be notified to the other party by termination of the employment relationship in accordance with Section 6(a) of this Agreement. Such notice shall set forth the specific termination provision of this Agreement that is being invoked, the facts and circumstances that are intended to constitute a basis for termination in accordance with the provision so stated, and the actual date of termination (which shall not exceed thirty (30) days after such notice is submitted). The failure of either party to include in the notice facts or circumstances that contribute to voluntary termination for cause or termination for cause does not waive any rights of the party under this Agreement or prevent the party from asserting such fact or circumstance in the enforcement of the party`s rights under this Agreement. (c) disability; Death.

If the officer`s employment with the Company ends due to the manager`s disability, or if the officer`s employment relationship is terminated due to the manager`s death, the manager is not entitled to any severance pay or other benefits under this agreement. (d) there is a change in the composition of the Board of Directors of the Corporation within two years, resulting in less than a majority of the directors being interim directors; Golden Parachute payments are triggered in one of three ways, and each is triggered by specifically identified control changes. There is the “single trigger”, in which the manager voluntarily resigns in peace and demands payment. The only trigger favours the manager because of the automatic nature of the change in the definition of control, i.e. he is financially secure. The manager cares less about the future of the company after a change of control, and depending on the language of the contract, the manager can be hired again the next day. Once the triggers are negotiated, salary, bonuses and stock options are usually the next topics to be highlighted. According to Tyler, the general rule is to provide three times the executive`s annual salary plus the annual bonus.

With respect to the treatment of stock options, both parties must consider acquisition and valuation. Many management contracts issue stock options that are acquired over time. Lacey Gourley, an employment and employment partner at Austin-based law firm Bracewell and Patterson, urges executives to “negotiate when they leave, how fast they are invested and what happens if you lose your position or are demoted. Will the company buy back these options, and if so, at what price? According to William Kanzer, founder of Chicago-based executive search consulting firm Kanzer Associates, executives should negotiate change of control regulations early on, preferably at the time of offering renewal. “If a person is already employed and has nothing in their letter of offer regarding a change of control provision, it is unlikely that the company will guarantee anything to the employee in the future,” Kanzer explains. “The higher the leader, the more likely it is that changes can occur with rewritten final agreements.” Understanding changes in control Agreements can vary from company to company. Whether the agreement is used to avoid an inappropriate takeover bid (“poison pill”) or to inspire general confidence in its key executives, each company will design language that best serves the reasonable short- and long-term interests of shareholders. Analytical legal theories (“the rule of commercial judgment” and the “reasonable relationship test”) used to determine the applicability of such agreements do not fall within the scope of this Article […].