











Bellevue College Collective Bargaining Agreement

Bellevue College Collective Bargaining Agreement: Understanding the Terms

Bellevue College, located in Bellevue, Washington, is a renowned institution offering a range of academic programs to students. The college employs a substantial number of faculty and staff, all of whom have negotiated a collective bargaining agreement that defines the terms of their employment.

A collective bargaining agreement is a legal contract between an employer and their employees` union, outlining the terms and conditions of their employment. The agreement covers various aspects of employment, such as wages, benefits, working hours, working conditions, and job security.

Bellevue College`s collective bargaining agreement, negotiated between the college and the Bellevue College Association of Higher Education (BCAHE), outlines the terms and conditions that govern the college`s faculty and professional staff.


The collective bargaining agreement defines the wages and compensation for faculty and professional staff. The agreement outlines the wage structure, including the minimum and maximum salary ranges for each job classification. Additionally, the agreement provides for periodic pay increases for employees based on years of service and performance.


The collective bargaining agreement also details the benefits available to faculty and professional staff, such as health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, retirement plans, and life insurance. The agreement outlines the employer`s contributions to these benefits and the employees` contributions.

Working Hours and Conditions

The collective bargaining agreement also outlines the working hours and conditions for faculty and professional staff. The agreement defines the number of hours that employees are expected to work, any overtime pay, and the conditions under which overtime pay is granted. The agreement also covers working conditions, such as the conditions of employment, performance evaluations, and grievances.

Job Security

The collective bargaining agreement provides job security for faculty and professional staff. The agreement outlines the procedures for dismissing or laying off employees and the criteria for doing so. The agreement also provides for due process and an appeals process for employees who are dismissed or laid off.

In summary, the Bellevue College Collective Bargaining Agreement is an essential legal document that governs the terms and conditions of employment for faculty and professional staff at the college. Understanding the agreement`s terms is essential for both employees and the college`s administration to ensure a healthy and productive work environment.

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